Do you know what mistakes may be in your credit report? Credit report mistakes and errors can cost you thousands in higher interest, or even cause lenders to deny you a loan that you should qualify for.
Get a free credit report analysis. A professional credit analyst will review your report for errors and guide you through the next steps to correct errors and improve your credit.
Example 1: Based on a $200,000, 30 year fixed mortgage a low score could cost you an extra $68,553.
Credit Score | APR | Monthly Payment | Total Interest Paid |
760-850 | 3.814 % | $934 | $136,063 |
700-759 | 4.037 % | $959 | $145,277 |
680-699 | 4.214 % | $980 | $152,681 |
660-679 | 4.429 % | $1,005 | $161,782 |
640-659 | 4.86 % | $1,057 | $180,375 |
620-639 | 5.407 % | $1,124 | $204,617 |
Example 2: Based on a $50,000, 60 month new car loan a low score could cost you an extra $16,930.
Credit Score | APR | Monthly Payment | Total Interest Paid |
720-850 | 4.565 % | $934 | $6,018 |
690-719 | 5.875 % | $964 | $7,824 |
660-689 | 7.661 % | $1,006 | $10,344 |
620-659 | 10.553 % | $1,076 | $14,560 |
590-619 | 15.242 % | $1,196 | $21,751 |
500-589 | 15.996 % | $1,216 | $22,948 |
Figures shown are for illustrtaion purposes only.